Thursday, September 16, 2010


It's a sobering fact that a full 40 percent of the world's population—some 2.6 billion people—lack regular access to a toilet. Add to that the fact that one child dies every 15 seconds from water contamination, and it's not hard to see the motivation behind the Peepoo bag.
One of the UN Millennium Development Goals, set in 2000, is to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to drinking water and sanitation, but so far progress has been minimal. With that in mind, Swedish Peepoople created the Peepoo bag to serve as a personal, portable and low-cost latrine for all the many people who don't have one. Designed for use sitting, squatting or standing, the single-use, biodegradable plastic bag measures 14 by 38 cm and is lined with a urea-coated gauze layer that disinfects all waste. Used bags are odour-free for at least 24 hours and are safe for burial underground. Within two to four weeks after use, however, their contents get converted to high-quality fertiliser—something that's also rare in many areas and so could become a source of income and further enrichment for an individual or village. Following field tests last year in Kenya and India, the Peepoo bag is scheduled to begin production this summer.
Along with such efforts as distributing free insect nets to children in malaria-ridden areas and abolishing fees for school uniforms in poor countries, the Peepoo bag qualifies as a quick-win project that could rapidly improve the lives of many people. One to get in on, help out with, or be inspired by!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

air cars

We do it every day without thinking. Start the engine, drive around, fill up with fuel, pay a lot of money and pollute the atmosphere some more! But, it doesn’t have to be that way, many alternative sources of fuel are being developed.

Science fiction novelist Jules Verne had predicted that cars would one day run on air.  Guess what the future of fuel is? You guessed it right, its air!  Think about a car that runs on air. The air we breathe, the air that is for free. Imagine, it costs nothing to fill up your car with gas, and that gas also happens to be the same gas that fills our lungs with every breath!

The future of transportation will soon be whooshing down the road in the form of an unparalleled “green” earth- friendly technology that everyone will want to get their hands on as soon as they can: The Air Car. It is hard to believe that compressed air can be used to drive vehicles. However that is true and the “air car”, as it is popularly known, has caught the attention of researchers worldwide.

The topic air car can be made a project by making a demo model of the air car engine. The working of the engine can be better understood from the following videos

video.1(air car)

video.2(air car)

How does the Air car work?

Actually all engines work with compressed air. Most engines suck it in, heat it up, it pressurizes and it pushes on a piston. In an air car we pressurize the air first, so when we apply it to the piston, the piston is pushed. The idea is as simple as that
this aircar can be done as a project

make money with your website

                         Make Money with Your Website

There are several lists with “ways to make money with a website” on the internet, but none of them seem to be complete. That is why I decided to create this one. If you know a method that is not listed below, just let me know and will update it.
Notice that ways to make money with a website are different from ways to make more money from it. Methods to increase your traffic or click-through rate will help you make more money, but they do not represent a method of making money per se.
For example, one could suggest that blending AdSense ads with the content is a way to make money from a website. In reality it’s not; it’s just a way to make more money by improving your ad click-through rate. The real monetization method behind it is a PPC ad network.
The list is divided into direct and indirect methods, and examples and links are provided for each point. Enjoy!
Direct Methods
1. PPC Advertising Networks
Google AdSense is the most popular option under this category, but there are also others. Basically you need to sign up with the network and paste some code snippets on your website. The network will then serve contextual ads (either text or images) relevant to your website, and you will earn a certain amount of money for every click.
The profitability of PPC advertising depends on the general traffic levels of the website and, most importantly, on the click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC). The CTR depends on the design of the website. Ads placed abode the fold or blended with content, for instance, tend to get higher CTRs. The CPC, on the other hand, depends on the nice of the website. Mortgages, financial products and college education are examples of profitable niches (clicks worth a couple of dollars are not rare), while tech-related topics tend to receive a smaller CPC (sometimes as low as a couple of cents per click).
The source of the traffic can also affect the overall CTR rate. Organic traffic (the one that comes from search engines) tends to perform well because these visitors were already looking for something, and they tend to click on ads more often. Social media traffic, on the other hand, presents terribly low CTRs because these visitors are tech-savvy and they just ignore ads.
2. CPM Advertising Networks
CPM advertising networks behave pretty much as PPC networks, except that you get paid according to the number of impressions (i.e., page views) that the ads displayed on your site will generate. CPM stands for Cost per Mille, and it refers to the cost for 1,000 impressions.
A blog that generates 100,000 page views monthly displaying an advertising banner with a $1 CPM, therefore, will earn $100 monthly.
CPM rates vary with the network, the position of the ad and the format. The better the network, the higher the CPM rate (because they have access to more advertisers). The closer you put the ad to the top of the page, the higher the CPM. The bigger the format (in terms of pixels), the higher the CPM.
You can get as low as $0,10 and as high as $10 per 1,000 impressions (more in some special cases). CPM advertising tends to work well on websites with a high page views per visitor ratio (e.g., online forums, magazines and so on).
3. Direct Banner Advertising
Selling your own advertising space is one of the most lucrative monetization methods. First and foremost because it enables you to cut out the middleman commissions and to determine your own rates. The most popular banner formats on the web are the 728×90 leaderboard, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle and the 125×125 button.
The downside of direct banner advertising is that you need to have a big audience to get qualified advertisers, and you will need to spend time managing the sales process, the banners and the payments.
4. Text Link Ads
After Google declared that sites selling text links without the nofollow tag would be penalized, this monetization method became less popular.
Many website owners are still using text links to monetize their sites, though, some using the nofollow tag and some not.
The advantage of this method is that it is not intrusive. One can sell text links directly through his website or use specialized networks like Text-Link-Ads and Text-Link-Brokers to automate the process.
5. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a very popular practice on the Internet. Under this system you have a merchant that is willing to let other people (the affiliates) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. Sometimes this type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based.
Affiliates can send potential customers to the merchant using several tools, from banners to text links and product reviews.
In order to find suitable affiliate programs you can turn to individual companies and publishers like Dreamhost and SEOBook, or join affiliate marketplaces and networks.
6. Monetization Widgets
The latest trend on the web are widgets that let you monetize your website. Examples include Widgetbucks and SmartLinks. Some of these services operate under a PPC scheme, others behave like text link ads, others yet leverage affiliate links.
Their main differentiator, however, is the fact that they work as web widgets, making it easier for the user to plug and play the service on its website.
7. Sponsored Reviews
PayPerPost pioneered this model, with much controversy on the beginning (related to the fact that they did not require disclosure on paid posts). Soon other companies followed, most notably Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe, refining the process and expanding the paid blogging model.
Joining one of these sponsored reviews marketplaces will give you the opportunity to write sponsored posts on a wide range of topics. Not all bloggers are willing to get paid to write about a specific product or website (because it might compromise the editorial credibility), but the ones who do are making good money out of it.
If your blog has a big audience you could also offer sponsored reviews directly, cutting off the commissions of the middleman.
8. RSS Feed Ads
With the quick adoption of the RSS technology by millions of Internet users, website owners are starting to find ways to monetize this new content distribution channel.
Feedburber already has its own publisher network, and you can sign-up to start displaying CPM based advertising on your feed footer. Bidvertiser recently introduced a RSS feed ad option as well, with a PPC scheme.
Finally, some blogs are also opting to sell banners or sponsored messages on their feed directly. John Chow and Marketing Pilgrim are two examples.
9. Sponsors for Single Columns or Events
If you website has specific columns or events (e.g., a weekly podcast, an interview series, a monthly survey, a special project) you could find companies to sponsor them individually.
This method increases the monetization options for website owner, while giving advertisers the possibility to target a more specific audience and with a reduced commitment.
Mashable illustrates the case well. They have several advertising options on the site, including the possibility to sponsor specific columns and articles, including the “Daily Poll” and the “Web 2.0 Invites.”
Problogger also runs group writing projects occasionally, and before proceeding he publicly announce the project asking for sponsors.
 10. Private Forums
While the Internet is populated with free forums, there is also the possibility to create a private one where members need to pay a single or recurring fee to join.
SEO Blackhat charges $100 monthly from its members, and they have thousands of them. Obviously in order to charge such a price for a forum membership you need to provide real value for the members (e.g., secret techniques, tools, and so on).
Performancing also launched a private forum recently, focused on the networking aspect. It is called The Hive, and the monthly cost is $10.

These are just two examples. There are many possibilities to create a private and profitable forum, you just need to find an appealing angle that will make it worth for the members.
11.Highlighted Posts from Sponsors
Techmeme probably pioneered this idea, but somehow it has not spread to other websites. The tech news aggregator displays editorial posts on the left column, and on the sidebar they have a section titled “Techmeme Sponsor Posts.”
On that section posts from the blog of the advertisers get highlighted, sending qualified traffic their way. Considering that the monthly cost for one spot is $5000 and that they have around 6 sponsors at any given time, it must be working well.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Working model of Hovercraft

The idea of making a Hovercraft dates back to 1716 when Emmanual Swedenborg recorded a design, but it was short lived.  In 1870, Sir John Thornycroft filled patents involving air lubricated hulls. And it was in 1959 a hovercraft was built, by Christopher Sydney Cockerell  by discovering the Momentum Curtain theory. Hover craft also called Air cushion vehicle (ACV) travels on any kind of flat surface. It is supported by a cushion of pressurized air.

  • Can be powered by one or more engines
  • Small crafts have a single engine with the drive split through a gear box
  • Usually one engine drives the fan responsible for lifting the vehicle
  • The other forces air from

Two main principles:
1)      Lift
2)      Propulsion
  • A skirt is required to quarantine airflow
  • No contact with ground hence friction is eliminated
  • The shape of the body affects stability
  • All parts are essential for proper working

1)      Lifting fan: Usually a centrifugal fan is preferred. When rotated air is sucked into the center hole, it is coupled via a gearbox and connected to the engine
2)      Thrust propellers: An aircraft type propeller with variable type pitch blades. Diameter ranges from nine feet to nineteen feet. In bigger crafts the propellers are rotated while in smaller ones, rudders are used.
3)      Skirt: Flexible strip which is fitted below the bottom edges of the plenum chamber. Skirt design is the most sensitive design parameter as it protects the craft and helps to lift it even higher.

In theory hover crafts are simple machines but a plethora of problems exist to make a functioning hovercraft. The plans as well as the design must be flawless. To build a hovercraft one must be well aware of the demands of construction. Only then can one design a hovercraft.

air cars


We do it every day without thinking. Start the engine, drive around, fill up with fuel, pay a lot of money and pollute the atmosphere some more! But, it doesn’t have to be that way, many alternative sources of fuel are being developed.
Science fiction novelist Jules Verne had predicted that cars would one day run on air.  Guess what the future of fuel is? You guessed it right, its air!  Think about a car that runs on air. The air we breathe, the air that is for free. Imagine, it costs nothing to fill up your car with gas, and that gas also happens to be the same gas that fills our lungs with every breath!
The future of transportation will soon be whooshing down the road in the form of an unparalleled “green” earth- friendly technology that everyone will want to get their hands on as soon as they can: The Air Car. It is hard to believe that compressed air can be used to drive vehicles. However that is true and the “air car”, as it is popularly known, has caught the attention of researchers worldwide.
The topic air car can be made a project by making a demo model of the air car engine. The working of the engine can be better understood from the following videos

video.1(air car)
video.2(air car)

How does the Air car work?
Actually all engines work with compressed air. Most engines suck it in, heat it up, it pressurizes and it pushes on a piston. In an air car we pressurize the air first, so when we apply it to the piston, the piston is pushed. The idea is as simple as that

this aircar can be done as a project


A mobile phone (also called mobile, cellular phone, cell phone or handphone)[1] is an electronic device used for full duplex two-way radio telecommunications over a cellular network of base stations known as cell sites. Mobile phones differ from cordless telephones, which only offer telephone service within limited range through a single base station attached to a fixed land line, for example within a home or an office.
A mobile phone allows its user to make and receive telephone calls to and from the public telephone network which includes other mobiles and fixed line phones across the world. It does this by connecting to a cellular network owned by a mobile network operator. A key feature of the cellular network is that it enables seamless telephone calls even when the user is moving around wide areas via a process known as handoff or handover.
In addition to being a telephone, modern mobile phones also support many additional services, and accessories, such as SMS (or text) messages, email, Internet access, gaming, Bluetooth, infrared, camera, MMS messaging, MP3 player, radio and GPS. Low-end mobile phones are often referred to as feature phones, whereas high-end mobile phones that offer more advanced computing ability are referred to as smartphones.
The first handheld cellular phone was demonstrated by Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing in at two kilos.[2] In the year 1990, 12.4 million people worldwide had cellular subscriptions.[3] By the end of 2009, only 20 years later, the number of mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide reached approximately 4.6 billion, 370 times the 1990 number, penetrating the developing economies and reaching the bottom of the economic pyramid

nokia x6-16GB

nokia x6-16GB specifications

 PRIZE  Rs16499

OVERVIEWa touch-screen phone perfect for entertainment and social networking
GENERAL2G network: gsm850/900/1800/1900
3G network: hsdpa900/1900/
status:released 2010,february&availableavailable colours black&black
weight: 122g
capacitive touch screen
resolution:640*360 pixes(nHD)
up to 16.7 million colours
automatic orientation sensor for display rotation
16:9 widescreen aspect ratio
CAMERAprimary: 5MP, 2592*1944 pixels,carl zeiss optics,
autofocus,dual led flash,video light
features: geo-tagging
video: yes,vga@30fps
secondary: yes,qcif@15fps
MEMORYphonebook:unlimited entries and fields,photocalls
call records: max 30 days
internal:16GB storage,128MB RAM
external: no card slot
3g network: hsdpa,3.6mbps
wlan: wi-fi 802.11b/g,upnp
stereo bluetooth version 2.1 with enhanced data rate
high-speed usb 2.0 (micro usb connector)
support for pc synchronisation with nokia ovi suite
:symbion os version 9.4
:java midp 2.0
:flash lite 3.0
:contacts bar
:open-source software(oss)web browser
:playlist DJ
:ovi music & maps3.0
:image&video editor
:more applications from ovi store
MUSIC AND AUDIO:nseries digital music player
:playlist&grapical equaliser
:bass booster,stereo widening&loudness
talk time: gsm up to 11h30min&wcdma up to 6h
standby time:gsm up to 420 hours&wcdma up to 450 hours
video playback time: up to 4 hours 30 mins
music playback time: up to 35 hours
:more additional applications from ovi store