small scale industry

Small Scale Industries may sound small but actually plays a very important part in the overall growth of an economy . Small Scale industries can be characterized by the unique feature of labor intensiveness. The total number of people employed in this industry has been calculated to be near about one crore and ninety lakhs in India, the main proponents of Small scale industries.

The importance of this industry increases manifold due to the immense employment generating potential. The countries which are characterized by acute unemployment problem especially put emphasis on the model of Small Scale Industries. It has been observed that India along with the countries in the Indian continent have gone long strides in this field

Advantages associated with Small Scale Industries

  • the small scale industry is specialised in the production of consumer coomodities
  • Small scale industries can be characterized with the special feature of adopting the labor intensive approach for commodity production. As these industries lack capital, so they utilize the labor power for the production of goods.
  •  Small Scale Industries help the economy in promoting balanced development of industries across all the regions of the economy
  • This industry helps the various sections of the society to hone their skills required for entrepreneurship
  • Small Scale Industries act as an essential medium for the efficient utilization of the skills as well as resources available locally
Small Scale Industries enjoy a lot of help and encouragement frm the government through protecting these industries from the direct competition of the large scale ones, provision of subsidies in the form of capital, lenient tax structure for this industry and many more.

small scale industries
  1. small scale industry undertakings
  2. tyre retreading

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